Ok now we'r in the other studio, Sony Pictures (Colombia) Studios.. 

Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc. produces, acquires and distributes filmed entertainment (theatrical motion pictures, television programs and recorded videos) through multiple platforms.

Sony Pictures' film franchises include Spider-Man, Men in Black, Underworld, Resident Evil, and Robert Langdon.
Sony Pictures is one of Hollywood's major film studios and a member of the Motion Picture Association of America.

It's located in 10202 W. Washington Blvd., Culver City..
U can go over there by bus (33 bus). Directions here.
When i went to the Sony Pictures Studios, i joined Sony Pictures Studio Tour cause cause i wanted to see the inside the gates..
My favourite shows had been filmed here, Seinfeld (i watched the whole season 3-4 times:)), King of Queens...

I joined the Studio Tour for free cause i got Go Los Angeles Card (the price is normally 45$ cause of that, i definitely recommend u to get this card).

When i was in this tour i had a chance to see inside the studios and stuff that used in movies..

Total Recall.. Remember that? The movie that won EDA Special Mention Award and had 5 other nominations..
Hellooooo to the Breaking Bad RV..---->
aaaaand the legendary JEOPARDY!!!
I think i won!!!

And  Rainbow..
This Rainbow as a symbol for imagination and optimism.
Rainbow, a public art installation by American artist Tony Tasset, rises 94 feet above Sony Pictures Studios and visible from vantage points as far away as several miles.
Spanning 188 feet from end to end and situated just beyond the Madison St.entrance to the studio's historic lot, Rainbow is a multicolored steel arc 188 feet across.

I thought i saw many things in these studios, Warner Bros., Sony Pictures...
But wait for the Universal.. It's the BEST!!!!

See ya in Universal Studios guys, im out for today...
