Ok on tour day 2.. first we headed for downtown and visited the oldest market in Boston, Quincy Market.Quincy Market is a historic market complex near Faneuil Hall downtown Boston, Massachusetts. Its role has changed from fresh produce retail originally to wholesale and then become festival marketplace in the 70s. u can find local specialties and souvenirs stands.

then i visited the Boston Harbor. and the best way to see the awesomeness of the cleanest in the country is by taking the Boston Harbor Cruise. i definitely recommend this.. u can see the spectecular views when u get there...

after that Cruise, i just walked around the Faneuil Hall Marketplace maybe u can jump into the some street action , like me :))

after enjoy that show we headed to Yale University. when we were there was student who still studies in Yale gave us the tour in University. She was getting master degree as i remembered..

when i was taking the Yale tour i was just shocked... the structures r breathtaking. Dining Hall, The Library r just masterpieces.. i wish i could study there..

 and here's a fun fact.. there is a statue in Yale University. there is a belief.. if u rub Woolsey Statue's golden toe, u get a good luck.. why? here's why----->>>

The reason students rub the toe of the statue of former Yale president Theodore Dwight Woolsey, Class of 1820,for good luck is that he was an avid fan of Yale crew. Whenever he attended a regatta, he would kick the boat with his left toe to start the race, and Yale would always win.
For More Public Art in Yale University

And this tour ended like this.. it was awesome..I visited 3 gorgeous universities (Harvard, MIT, Yale), i took a Boston Harbor Cruise.. i was lost at night in Boston (but finally i could find my way, like always. just trust ur instincts), i saw how insanely richness could it be.. and i did these all bunch of things in just 2 days..
Just wait for it.. i have a alot of memories to goin' on..
it was just the beginning..
we'r just getting up a full head of steam, guys!!..
