here's how my first journey started to the New York.. i actually never been in NY before.. i was going to unknown place for me and im totally a solo traveller. Y? cause no attached to someone.. if ı wanna go some place that's not even in my schedule i was just doing it.. while i was walking w/ a purpose to reach somewhere i just saw a thing and ı was thinking about 'why the hell am ı not gonna do this? it would be probably fun, interesting, different.. ı should definitely try this. cause ı know if ı don't do this, try something new i'd regret to not doing it..' yeh its pretty my MOTTO!!
i wanted to write this blog for share my experiences.. i can travel wherever i want.. my goal is travel to all 50 states in the USA (for now of course:)).. i have no sponsor and im not making a lot of money.. but i can do this.. and im gonna tell how i can do this..

here' some Manhattan NY view  from Empire State Building..

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