After first day, we went to the hotel.. It was pretty cool, It has breakfast but we gotta skip that breakfast cause we had to leave sooo early.. but after that day and after those days when i stayed at hostels in NY, it was a relief for me cause i had my own room (u know im solo traveler:))

Anyway on second day of tour that i joined, i went to the Watkins Glen State Park..

Watkins Glen State Park is located outside the village of Watkins Glen, south of Seneca Lake in Schuyler County in New York's Finger Lakes region. The park's lower part is near the village, while the upper part is open woodland.

The park has comfortable camping sites, as well as picnic tables and pavilions, food, playground, a gift shop, pool, dump stations, showers, recreation programs, tent and trailer sites, fishing, hiking, hunting and cross-country skiing.

It was spectecular. I extremely recommend u guys!!!
The tour bus dropped us at the top of that so we had to walk all of these paths.. It was a really good hiking. When i was walking i saw the beauty of nature and again i admired that..
I didnt just walk non-stop. Sometimes i stopped and felt the nature.. How? When i was walking, i stopped somewhere and i dipped my feet into the water.. It was refreshing. When u walk, don't just walk and pass by this beaty just feel it, embrace it, enjoy ur hiking guys... Like i did and like everybodys did...

The hiking didnt take a long time guys and u have time to rest, chill, listen to the nature.
But listen ur guide very carefully. Just walk through the path, dont try to turn back, climb the all over the paths again. It's one way hiking.. Cause if u try to turn u gonna tired much more and u cant find the group upstairs.. Cause the tour bus will be waiting for u on finish line (downstairs). If u do that u can be alone in the upstairs and plus the whole group will gonna be back to top again just for u!. dont do that! I'm telling u guys again and again, listen ur guide carefully!!
Actually one person exactly did that thing, that i told u guys and we had to go back to pick him up..

Anyway i had a really fun when i was hiking over there, i enjoy the every second of my time.
