Now we'r in Chelsea, NY. why? Cause u have to see the Highline Park.. It has a really weird history.
U can also learn the story from ur guide when u take a guided-tour (NY Pass).

 In 1847, the City of New York authorized street-level railroad tracks down Manhattan's West Side to ship freight.For safety, the railroads hired men called the "West Side Cowboys" to ride horses and wave flags in front of the trains.However, so many accidents occurred between freight trains and other traffic that Tenth Avenue became known as "Death Avenue". (The History of Death Avenue)

 After years of public debate about the hazard, in 1929 the city, the state of New York, and the New York Central Railroad agreed on the West Side Improvement Project, a large project conceived by Robert Moses that also included the construction of the West Side Elevated Highway.

The High Line viaduct, then a portion of the New York Central Railroad's West Side Line, opened to trains in 1934. It originally ran from 34th Street to St. John's Park Terminal at Spring Street, and was designed to go through the center of blocks rather than over the avenue. The train also passed underneath the Western Electric complex at Washington Street. This section still exists as of May 18, 2008, and is not connected with the rest of the developed park.

The last train on the remaining part of the line was operated by Conrail in 1980. In the 1990s, the line lay unused and in disrepair, but the riveted-steel elevated structure was structurally sound. Around this time, the structure became known to a few urban explorers and local residents for the tough, drought-tolerant wild grasses, shrubs, and rugged trees such as sumac that had sprung up in the gravel along the abandoned railway.

In 1999, the nonprofit organization Friends of the High Line [43] was formed by Joshua David and Robert Hammond, residents of the neighborhood that the line ran through.

With the opening of the High Line Park, many films and television shows have set sequences there. In 2011, the television series Louie used the High Line as a setting for one of the title character's dates.

Sooo Where is this HIGHLINE?

At the Gansevoort Street end, which runs north-south, the stub end over Gansevoort Street is named the Tiffany and Co.

The High Line passes under the Chelsea Market, a food hall, at 15th Street. U can find really quality food over there. while ı just was walking in Chelsea Market, there were many tasting booths. i was really enjoyed.. those cupcakes... loved them!!

The park's attractions include naturalized plantings that are inspired by the landscape that grew on the disused tracks, and views of the city and the Hudson River.

The trail is made of pebble-dash concrete walkways that swells and constricts, swings from side to side, and divides into concrete tines that meld the hardscape with the planting embedded in railroad gravel mulch. Stretches of track and ties recall the High Line's former use.
