hey guys!! now its time to visit The Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum.. It's located in Pier 86.
The Intrepid Museum features the legendary aircraft carrier Intrepid, the space shuttle Enterprise, the world's fastest jets and a guided missile submarine.

Launched in 1943, the aircraft carrier Intrepid fought in World War II, surviving five kamikaze attacks and one torpedo strike. The ship later served in the Cold War and the Vietnam War. Intrepid also served as a NASA recovery vessel in the 1960s. More than 50,000 men served on board Intrepid during the ship's time in service, and more than 270 men made the ultimate sacrifice.Intrepid was decommissioned in 1974. Today, Intrepid is berthed on the Hudson River as the centerpiece of the Intrepid Sea, Air Space Museum.

Ship's bells are used to mark the passage of time, dividing the day into four-hour "watches" or periods of duty. Each strike of the bell signifies the end of a half-hour, and the bell is sounded in pairs for easier counting. the mazimum number of bells is eight, whivh indicates the end of one watch and the start of the next.
the Intrepid's original bronze bell, displayed here, was replaced by another bell that is displayed at the aft end of Hangar 2.
Bell on loan from U.S. Navy.

The Gemini 3 Capsule launches into space using a Titan II rocket. The launch took place at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
For more info about Gemini Capsule 3.

The Intrepid Museum has one of the most varied aircraft collections in the nation. All five branches of the U.S. armed forces are represented, as well as several distinctive aircraft from around the world. From the Avenger torpedo bomber, a stalwart from Intrepid’s World War II service, to the A-12 Blackbird, the formidable spy plane from the Cold War, the collection reflects some of the greatest achievements in military aviation.

After this journey ı could get the World War II, Cold War, Space, Vietnam War better and clearly.. It was so magical memory for me.. I hope u guys can get there and u can find urself in a different world...
